10 June 2007

Confessions of a two-timer...

I love Louis Vuitton but I love Chanel too.


Just got myself a small ring agenda and a Neverfull MM.

I've never been fooled till i got fooled by the Neverfull.

Kinda regret after getting it. It's like the whole world has it. Damn!
He's gonna suan me after seeing this.

This is the bag which made my heart changed.

Dun dare to buy. Bought a Chanel last month(unexpected one).
Dun dare to buy. Been spending too much since beginning of this year.
Although bonus is coming in but still...
Still dun dare to buy.
No greeen light from him = No approval + No sponsorship

But i scared i'll regret not bringing it home.
What if it's no longer there when i'm ready to buy?
and Chanels are mainly seasonal.

Anyway, i think i've a problem.
I need a doctor to cure my desire for designer stuff.
Are there such medicine to curb the urge to shop and spend?

Me so problematic.
Drinking problem.
Eating problem.
Splurging problem.
Soon to come: Sleeping problem.

Am I really that problematic or rather self-caused?

Furby is so cute, I have a few friends who want to eat him.

Stay far far away from him or i'll eat you up!

Eve of Vesak's Day : The Clinic

Pictures taken at my cousin's wedding dinner, Novotel Clarke Quay

09 June 2007

English Afternoon Tea at Goodwood Park Hotel

my first time to cafe del maar and it's freaking hot out there that i spent my entire noon under the shades

My sis is back in SG for holiday with Kim and her cute, handsome baby LLoyd.

Her in-laws were here for holiday too, so lotsa dinner and drinking for me.

xx pig out xx

Prego! Prego!

I'm a lucky girl to be able to btravel to Milan for the 3rd time =)
Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Pasta, Cappuccino, Gelato...

Inside Duomo

Ferrari store

beautiful BMW Series 1

My shopping stuff. Not all mine though.

What's mine:

In Madison Red

Sign Out
XXoh-dear-i-spend-so muchXX